About the methodology


About EFT (Tapping)

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique aka Tapping is a method of tapping on your accupressure points while talking about something that brings up negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, or sadness.  
Tapping allows us to access the non-verbal part of our brain – the reptilian brain – that governs our fight, flight and freeze response.  
This part of our brain can not understand language which is why talk therapy and affirmations cannot access it.  Using those techniques; things can improve, understanding can shift greatly but a primitive, irrational emotion can remain. 
When we visit these negative emotions and send a physical message (via tapping) that things are ok, we can release long held emotions and anxieties. 
The acccupressure points used have been established by Traditional Chinese Medicine as being spots that are particularly efficient at moving energy.  From an energetic perspective, you can also think of tapping as a means by which you can release energy that is tied to certain ideas or events.

About Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting is an outgrowth of tapping.  It is a means of engaging with difficult events in the past that allows the individual to connect with their past self while staying dissociated so as not to be retraumatized. 
The individual is able to establish what belief about life – or – belief about his or herself was created in that moment.  
They are able to offer relief to the past self through tapping, and then recreate that past event in a way that best supports their past self in that moment, as well as their current and future self.  The belief is reset, and limiting beliefs are released.  
Deeply rooted damaging beliefs can be reset through this process, by reprogramming these beliefs at their source.

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