
Start Your Journey Today


One 75 minute Session

In person or zoom available


$495 (Save $90)

Three 75 minute sessions

In person or zoom available


$1150 (SAVE $215)

Marica’s Signature Offering

Seven Sessions over 3 months.

In person or zoom available


SCROLL DOWN to learn more!

90 Day Soul Reclamation Journey: Heal your Past, Embrace your Present, Empower your Future

A 3-month one-on-one program to create deep SOUL level healing. The 90 Day Mindset Reset is designed to release emotions that aren’t serving you, help you create a healing for traumatic memories and generational traumas that are holding you back and to help you rewire your beliefs so that you can live your life joyfully and unencumbered.

You’re here because…


  • You are looking to heal childhood wounds and associated beliefs (I’m unloveable, not smart enough, not safe etc.), or
  • You are trying to come to terms with a difficult diagnosis and manage the emotions and fears that come with it, or
  • You are reeling from a divorce or break-up, or
  • You want to change your relationship with alcohol (Quit overdrinking, support while giving up alcohol), or
  • You want to stop people pleasing (learn to set appropriate boundaries and trust you will still be needed/have your needs met), or
  • You’d like help attracting a relationship and clearing the negative beliefs that are blocking a partner, or
  • You’d like to quit struggling with insecurity, jealousy and trust issues

Let me guess…


  • Maybe you just can’t do the things you need to make yourself healthy and happy?
  • You feel stuck, unable to move forward or maybe just repeating the same pattern over and over again?  Like always picking the wrong person or always ending up in a dysfunctional work environment, dysfunctional friend group?
  • Do you know of something in your past that is holding you back?  That still hurts?  And you don’t know how to move past it, how to come to peace with it?

If so, you’re not alone.

  • I totally get it. I’ve had ​clients come to me​ after doing years of healing work, after therapy, after coaching, after saying countless affirmations, and feeling that acceptance is the only way.

How would you feel if…

you could TRULY put your painful past behind you? If you could really let go of the worries, the fear, the sadness or the anger?  If you learned a methodology you could use on your own to deal with difficult emotions and situations?


So the question is… ​if #alltheotherthings aren’t working….

“How DO I become a more joyful, connected person?”

“How DO I release the limiting fears and painful memories that are holding me back?”

This 90 day program is designed to provide you with the tools, resources and support to make the shift you desire.


Working with Marica completely changed my mindset from actively disliking going to the gym to actually looking forward to it.  From being in denial of health issues to actively facing them and making positive changes.  Looking back I’m still amazed at the changes in myself that she facilitated.

Caroline V.

My experience with Marica was nothing short of life changing. In general, my nervous system was restored to health and my reactions were calmed and soothed.

Danielle G.

Marica was amazing… and was able to help me release so much Frozen pain from my childhood.

Linda G.

This program is for you if…


  • Painful memories are holding you back from being your best self
  • You feel like your subconscious is working against you
  • You’re sick of being stuck
  • You don’t want to keep repeating the same mistakes
  • You just can’t seem to make the changes you want to make in your life
  • You want to release the fear, anxiety, anger or sadness that is becoming an emotional home for you

If you are…


  • So ready to heal a painful past and step into a brighter future
  • Ready to heal from a painful breakup
  • Ready to break out of the patterns in your life that are holding you back
  • Ready to release persistent fears and other difficult emotions


THEN I invite you to join me in this 90 day TRANSFORMATIONAL PROGRAM!


In this powerful, highly supportive Program, we’ll release and clear what you need to release and clear to help you achieve the transformation you have been craving!

And I’ll also teach you how to effectively tap on yourself so you have a tool you can use on your own to work on whatever you want to work on in the future.

And you don’t need to feel overwhelmed or unsupported as you embark on your transformational journey this time.  Tapping is very effective but its also very gentle!

Here’s what we’ll do through these 90 days:

  1. Get Crystal Clear on your Desired Outcome
  2. Release Emotions that are getting in your way
  3. Offer healing to your Inner Child/Past Self, as well as address any Ancestral or Generational patterns that are holding you back
  4. Reprogram your Memories and Beliefs
  5. Establish your trajectory to your best future self

Marica has been instrumental in my healing journey. I started working with her after I got divorced, and when I was having difficulty handling fast changing emotions. She was compassionate, understanding and professional. One of the best aspects of her therapy is her intuitive approach. I would recommend her to anyone seeking some guidance and help in their healing journey.

V. Bentley

I just have to say thank you thank you. (The sessions are) helping so much. I just finished 2 weeks of workouts that I looked forward to truly.

Krista G.

What all is included???


  • 7 Private one-on-one sessions ​one each week for the two first weeks and every other week for the next ten weeks.
  • Personalized Tapping scripts ​written for you to help support you and accelerate your desired outcome
  • Personalized visualizations ​to help you connect to your healing work more powerfully
  • Personalized journaling prompts
  • Text and email support with Marica

PLUS these resources:


  • Inner child worksheet – use to further connect to the new beliefs and energetic blueprint we will be creating
  • Limiting Belief assessments – available for common limiting beliefs to help you design your own tapping scripts or for work in sessions
  • How to tap on Yourself- A quick guide to facilitating quick relief

In JUST 90 Days:

  • You can regain energy that’s been tied up in negative emotions
  • You’ll create healing for difficult memories
  • You’ll have the confidence to know ​you CAN create the life you’ve been craving
  • You’ll go from being frustrated, overwhelmed, lost, and confused to fulfilled,
    inspired, and ​
    on purpose.
  • You’ll be in love with yourself​ – able to accept and forgive yourself – and others.


That was wonderful.  I always leave our sessions feeling good.  I have a sense of relief, and am more at ease… I really appreciate you and your ability to “know”.  And, how you navigate that. It feels good to be supported.  Thank you🙏 

Sean C.

I seriously cannot thank you enough right now. I felt blocked, stuck, and anxious. Even before we started tapping you were able to navigate and see what I couldn’t but was so desperately searching for. Then you just completely blew me away in the tapping session you were leading me in.  You helped me see what I was doing and I had a lot of those  “ah-ha!” moments. After my session, I had so much space for clarity…

Natalie G.

About your host:

Marica Viczian

Marica Viczian

Certified EFT Practitioner/ Holistic Health Coach

Marica helps people create healing for traumatic experiences and rewire their beliefs so they can break free of negative patterns and create a new empowered paradigm to live boldly and joyfully from. She has been a Health Coach for 8 years and an EFT Practitioner for 5 years.  She absolutely LOVES witnessing and holding space for personal growth and healing, and believes it is an honor and a gift to be able to do so!

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